Saturday, 31 October 2015

Beginning Yorkshire Archives Learning Network and Mylearning First World War Resources

I have just started work on resources for, working with the Yorkshire Archives Learning Network and Cape UK (Arts Council bridge Organisation). Its been great to get back into working with Archives and archival material and an area of work I feel really passionate about; using archival material as a stimulus for creative work.

I'll be creating 3 learning journeys with mylearning and Archives across Yorkshire and in the process of my early research I've come across an amazing website;

Seeing original archival material is a unique experience but websites like this and of course mylearning are opening that world up to so many people who might not access archives in any other way. You could get lost in browsing though, , there is so much to see.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Scarborough Handling Boxes Completed

I've created 4 new Handling Boxes for Scarborough Museums Trust on the themes of Games, Sports, Entertainment and Transport. They were fun and challenging to produce, especially because I was asked in the brief to create boxes which were as interactive as possible but could be enjoyed while sitting down, as they would be used by people in hospice care. I included board games (such as Formula One - an example of which is held by the V&A) and quizzes from the 1960s and 80s (to see if any of the answers are different!). My personal favourite however was the Box Brownie, I could imagine Edwardian amateur photographers using that exact camera. What a world that opened up for people!